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Apple Cost Sharing Agreement

Apple Cost Sharing Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Apple Cost Sharing Agreement is a program designed by Apple Inc. to help developers with the costs of app development and marketing. In this article, we will provide an overview of the program and why it is important for app developers to take advantage of it.

What is the Apple Cost Sharing Agreement?

The Apple Cost Sharing Agreement is a program that allows developers to receive financial assistance from Apple for the costs associated with developing and marketing their apps. The program is often referred to as the “App Store Small Business Program” and is aimed at developers who earn up to $1 million in annual revenue from their apps.

Under the program, developers are eligible to receive a reduced commission rate of 15% on all app sales and in-app purchases, instead of the standard 30% commission rate. This means that developers can earn more revenue from their apps while also receiving financial assistance from Apple.

Why is the Apple Cost Sharing Agreement important for app developers?

The Apple Cost Sharing Agreement is important for app developers because it provides financial assistance to help cover the costs of developing and marketing their apps. Developing an app can be an expensive process, and the marketing costs associated with promoting an app can also be significant.

By participating in the program, developers can reduce their costs and receive financial assistance from Apple. This can make it easier for developers to focus on creating quality apps without having to worry about the financial burden of app development.

The reduced commission rate also enables developers to earn more revenue from their apps, which can help to fund future app development projects. This can be particularly beneficial for developers who are just starting out or who are looking to expand their app portfolio.

How to qualify for the Apple Cost Sharing Agreement

To qualify for the Apple Cost Sharing Agreement, developers must meet the following criteria:

– The developer must be an individual or legal entity based in a country or region where Apple offers the program

– The developer must have earned no more than $1 million in proceeds (minus refunds and taxes) in the previous calendar year

– The developer must agree to Apple’s terms and conditions for the program

If a developer meets these criteria, they can apply for the program through the App Store Connect portal. Once approved, the reduced commission rate will automatically apply to all app sales and in-app purchases.


The Apple Cost Sharing Agreement is an important program for app developers who are looking to reduce costs and receive financial assistance from Apple. By participating in the program, developers can earn more revenue from their apps while also focusing on creating quality apps without having to worry about the financial burden of app development.

If you are an app developer who meets the program criteria, we recommend that you apply for the Apple Cost Sharing Agreement to take advantage of the benefits it offers.