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Which States Have Reciprocal Concealed Carry Agreements

As a gun owner, it`s important to know the laws surrounding concealed carry and which states honor each other`s permits. Reciprocal concealed carry agreements, also known as reciprocity, allow gun owners with valid concealed carry permits to legally carry their firearms in other states that recognize their permits. In this article, we`ll discuss which states have reciprocal concealed carry agreements, and what you need to know before you travel with your firearm.

Reciprocal Concealed Carry Agreements

All U.S. states have their own laws and regulations regarding concealed carry permits. Some states have more lenient laws than others, while some states may not recognize out-of-state concealed carry permits altogether. However, there are some states that have entered into reciprocal concealed carry agreements with other states, which means that gun owners with a valid concealed carry permit from one state can carry their firearm in the other state that recognizes their permit.

The number of states that have reciprocal concealed carry agreements varies, and the specifics of each agreement also vary. For example, some states may only recognize permits from certain states but not others. Additionally, some states may require gun owners to follow certain restrictions when carrying their firearm, such as not entering certain locations or establishments.

States with Reciprocal Concealed Carry Agreements

As of 2021, there are over 30 states that have reciprocal concealed carry agreements with other states. These states include:

– Alabama

– Alaska

– Arizona

– Arkansas

– Colorado

– Florida

– Georgia

– Idaho

– Indiana

– Iowa

– Kansas

– Kentucky

– Louisiana

– Michigan

– Minnesota

– Mississippi

– Missouri

– Montana

– Nebraska

– Nevada

– New Hampshire

– North Carolina

– North Dakota

– Ohio

– Oklahoma

– Pennsylvania

– South Carolina

– South Dakota

– Tennessee

– Texas

– Utah

– Virginia

– West Virginia

– Wisconsin

– Wyoming

It`s important to note that while these states have reciprocal concealed carry agreements, the specifics of each agreement may vary. Some states may only recognize permits from certain states, while others may have additional restrictions on carrying firearms. It`s crucial to research the specific laws and regulations of each state before carrying your firearm across state lines.


Reciprocal concealed carry agreements can be incredibly helpful for gun owners who wish to travel with their firearms. However, it`s important to understand the specifics of each state`s laws and regulations before carrying your firearm across state lines. Make sure to research the laws and regulations of each state and always carry your concealed carry permit with you when traveling. Stay safe and stay informed.